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Dawn Barker
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Rachel Barr
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Samantha Travella
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"2023 is the year I get organised. Where’s best to start?"
"I am being treated badly at work – can I get help?"
"I've had an accident, what can I claim for?"
"I’m considering divorcing my spouse. What should I be thinking about?"
"The Great Barkers Bake Off"
A New Way of Recovering Debts
A Redundancy Guide for Employers
A Spotlight on Conveyancing
A popular time for divorce
Accidents at Work
Accidents at work
Accreditation proves that Barker Son & Isherwood LLP Solicitors still provides high quality client care
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All change for workers in the service industry
All change in a new year?
All you need to know about a business premises lease
An act of control
Andover Cyclethon
Andover Foodbank
Andover Shoebox Christmas Appeal
Are You up on the New Service Charges Regime?
Are you a Tenant in dispute with your Landlord?
Arrangements for children over Christmas
As an Unmarried Father, Do I Have Any Parental Responsibility Rights?
As an older worker over 65, what should I consider?
Associate - Samantha Travella
Avoiding Cycling Accidents on Hampshire's Roads
BS&I passes Lexcel Accreditation Audit with flying colours!
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Boundary Dispute that won’t go away?
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Buying or selling a property in probate?
CARE HOME FEES - will the NHS pay?
CGT on divorce
Calling time on party plans
Calling time on the bank of mum and dad
Can I Challenge A Will?
Can I change my child’s name without their other parent’s consent?
Can I change my child’s name?
Can I claim unfair dismissal on medical grounds?
Can I legally change my name?
Can I make my partner move out the family home?
Can I negotiate a Settlement Agreement with my Employer instead of being made redundant?
Can I release equity in my home during lockdown?
Can I relocate with the children without their father’s consent?
Changes To Stamp Duty Land Tax Legislation
Changes to Lasting Powers of Attorney – How do They Affect You?
Changes to Pension Laws
Civil Partnerships vs Marriage
Co-parenting after separation
Compulsory Alternative Dispute Resolution – What does this mean for the future of litigation?
Confused about the different types of LPA (Lasting Power of Attorney)?
Considering a Basement Extension to your Property?
Continuing Danger for Cyclists on British Roads
Contracts of Employment - Is your Business Protected?
Conveyancing explained
Conveyancing – How Do We Do It?
Coping with neighbours’ building works
Coronavirus and my children
Could Yours Be a ‘Good’ Divorce?
DIY Conveyancing - Is It Worth the Trouble?
Dealing with employees who are in conflict
Dealing with the affairs of a missing relative
Death by Dangerous Driving
Did food poisoning ruin your holiday?
Digital assets how to deal with them after death
Discrimination in the workplace – what does it mean for a potential victim?
Disputes with a builder
Disputing Supervised Contact
Disputing a Will
Dividing assets on divorce – a review
Divorce and your family home
Divorce in Lockdown
Divorce proceedings and the emotional journey
Divorce, Dissolution and Military Pensions
Divorce: the financial misconceptions
Divorcing a Spouse Serving Abroad
Divorcing later in life? What challenges could I face?
Do I have a right to see my children?
Do I have any rights to contact with my grandchildren?
Do I need a Company Memorandum & Articles of Association document for my business?
Do I need a Solicitor as my Executor?
Do I need a UK and a foreign Will?
Do I need legal advice after the loss of a loved one?
Do I need to apply for planning permission for change of use to my business?
Do you feel alienated at work due to long term sickness?
Does my Will have to mirror that of my Spouse or Partner?
Domestic Abuse Support & Legal Help
Easter’s challenges for separated couples
Employers – Are You Paying Your Staff Enough?
Employers’ new duty to prevent sexual harassment
Enham Trust; Make A WIll Video
Evicting a tenant
Facing an Inheritance Act claim
Family Justice – A Vision for the Future
Family Mediation Week – a focus on constructive resolution
Family mediation
Financial stability for your children during and after divorce
Fire and rehire – is it ever acceptable?
Firm News
Firm News - Jennifer Peebles
First Time Buyers Guide
First-time Home Buyers' Guide
Flexible Parental Working Guidelines
Flexible working and the pandemic
Following our split, my spouse is trying to force me to leave the family home and my children. What can I do?
Franchising your Business
Furlough’s finished - so what next?
Get Help with Domestic Abuse and Divorce
Grandparents’ family rights
Has your spousal maintenance been stopped ?
Have you chosen your executors wisely?
Have you lost a loved one due to the actions of someone else driving dangerously?
Have you tripped or slipped in a shop and suffered injury?
Head of Private Client Department
Health & Safety in the Workplace
High Praise for Our Personal Injury Department
Holiday pay for part-year workers
Homeworking and conflict
How Do I Deal With A Dispute With My Neighbour?
How Do I Deal with Moving My Children After a Divorce?
How Do I Deal with My Problematic Tenants?
How Do I Go About Changing My Name?
How Do I Know if My Family Member is Eligible to Claim Back Their Care Home Fees?
How Do I Know if the Property I am Buying is at Risk of Flooding?
How Do I Recover Money Owed To Me By Another Business?
How Long After Divorce Can I Make a Financial Claim Against My Spouse?
How Should I Choose A Good Conveyancing Solicitor?
How To Make A Claim For A Trip And Slip
How can I make sure that any gifts I make from my estate are tax efficient?
How changes to Inheritance Tax could affect you
How do I go about leaving money to charity in my Will?
How do I go about owning a property later on in life?
How do I locate a Will belonging to relative who has died?
How do I protect my deposit if my partner and I decide to separate?
How does Retirement Affect Divorce?
How does the Autumn Budget affect me?
How redundancy can be anything but plain sailing
How separation agreements work after a relationship breakdown
How should I deal with a request for flexible working from my employee?
How will you fund your care home fees?
I am leaving my partner. What happens to my home?
I am thinking about divorce but am afraid of my spouse and their reaction. What measures can I put in place to safeguard me?
I have been made an attorney but don’t know what I should be doing
I have been told to make a Will, but do I need to?
I have left a gift in my will but the person has died. What do I need to do?
I have recently lost a loved one in an accident. Where do I stand on making a claim?
I rely on my driving licence for a living
I want to challenge a Will as it doesn't seem fair – what are my rights?
I want to move in with my partner. What should I think about?
I want to start my own business. What do I need to consider?
I'm being offered a settlement agreement at work and would like legal advice
I'm in dispute with my builder - what can I do?
I'm in dispute with my builder. What should I do?
Increased Penalties for Mobile Phone Use while driving – will this change us?
Inheritance Tax
Injury at Work? Will I still get paid?
Instead of being made redundant, can I negotiate a Settlement Agreement with my Employer?
International Women’s Day
Intestacy – who inherits when there is no Will?
Is Conveyor Belt Conveyancing a Good Investment?
Is Everything Going Digital? Even Divorce?
Is There a Way That I Can Sell My Home Yet Still Remain a Tenant?
Is Your Business Ready for Changes to Flexible Working?
Is a Separation agreement better for you both right now, rather than a Divorce?
Is a verbal Cohabitation Agreement legally binding?
Is blood really thicker than water? Who will you leave your legacy to?
Is buying a second home now out of my reach?
Is earning capacity an asset that should be shared on divorce?
Is it a good idea to gift property or assets?
Is it the end of the road for ‘Right to Buy’?
Is it time to check the length of your lease?
Is long Covid a disability?
Is now really the time to chase debts?
Is now the time to divorce?
Is there such a thing as a “good divorce”?
Is your Business Facing Bankruptcy or Liquidation?
Is your Will up-to-date?
It’s ‘out’ with no-fault evictions
I’ve Been Injured at Work
I’ve Been in an Accident. How Much Compensation Will I Get?
I’ve Had an Accident in a Shop. How Do I Claim?
Japanese knotweed 'cannot be killed off'
Keeping homeworkers safe
Keeping remote workers close
Keeping your Will safe
Landlord and tenant disputes
Leaving a Legacy
Legal Issues for Carers
Legal Issues of Second Marriages
Let’s live together
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Living Wills
Looking into buying the Freehold of your Leasehold?
Looking to safeguard your business?
Losing the ability to make decisions
Lost a Relative and Have Suspicions about the Legality of their Will?
Making It Easier to Plan for Mental Incapacity
Making a Will within divorce proceedings
Making an Inheritance Act claim
Managing the dilapidations risk
Marriage – The Outdated Union?
Maternity vs Paternity Rights
May Company News
Mediation to settle Probate, Trust & Inheritance Act Claims
Medical Negligence – Can you Claim?
Meet our Personal Injury Team
Menopause at work
Modernising Lasting Powers of Attorney
Modifying restrictive covenants
Motoring Offences
Moving in together? What to think about before cohabiting
My Employer is not accepting liability for an accident at work – what should I do?
My Partner has to go into care - will I lose my home?
My ex is making up allegations about my parenting and preventing me seeing the children, what can I do?
My ex won’t let me see our children over Christmas. What can I do?
My partner and I lived together in his house. How can I claim my share of the property now that we have separated?
New Business? Do you need a Business Plan?
New Legislation on Company Name Change
New law on making Wills
No-Fault Divorce: The end of the blame game
No-Fault Evictions Remain…for Now
One Day Only! - The last Business Fair of 2016 - Why not come along and see us?
Online Divorce - Cheap and Simple?
Panel Solicitors - Do I have to use them?
Parental alienation
Parental responsibility
Parenting during a pandemic
Partnership promotion for Samantha Travella
Pre-nuptial agreements
Putting your future planning in safe hands
Q. How does shared parental leave affect my business?
Rachel Barr- 30 years milestone
Recognising domestic abuse
Redundancy & Settlement Agreements
Redundancy and settlement
Redundancy and settlement agreements
Reform of the divorce process
Relationship breakdown? What are the grounds for divorce?
Relationships at work
Resolving disputes differently
Retired and struggling financially? Should you release the equity in your home?
Rise in Re-Mortgages. Are you thinking about staying put?
Separation Agreements – Legal Support & Advice
Separation Agreements – Practical Solutions
Serious personal injury claims
Shareholders Rights
Should I Make A Will
Should I Put My Social Media Accounts in My Will?
Should I Sell My House at Auction?
Should I ask my partner for a Pre-Nuptial Agreement?
Should I buy a student home for my child?
Should I make a DIY Will?
Should You Buy That Business?
Should we own our property as joint tenants or tenants in common?
Should you consider taking voluntary redundancy?
Slow progress on probate applications
Social Media and Business
Solicitors for the Elderly (SFE) member urges Andover residents to check eligibility for LPA refund
Stamp Duty Changes benefit First Time Buyers
Stamp Duty Land Tax - New Legislation - Will It Affect You?
Stamp Duty and the Cost of Buying A Home
Stamping out Bullying in the Workplace
Statutory Wills – what are they and why might they be needed?
Storage of Wills
Subsidence and Sinkholes - the bare facts!
Substantial Award of Compensation for Injured Client
Supporting parents of premature babies
Supreme Court Divorce Ruling - What are the implications?
Taking the voluntary route
The 'Co-habitation Family' - What happens when the relationship breaks down?
The Bank of Mum and Dad
The Common-Law Marriage Myth
The Continuing Dangers of Britain’s Smart Motorways
The Cost of Divorce
The Cost of the ‘Pothole'
The Countess of Brecknock's 10@10 Charity Fundraiser
The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority
The Divorce Lottery
The Gender Justice Gap
The Gifts That Keep on Giving?
The Highway Code - Updated
The Importance of Instructing a Solicitor in CICA Claims
The Importance of Perseverance in Personal Injury Litigation
The Pitfalls of DIY Probate
The Power of Family Mediation
The Pros and Cons of Litigation
The harmful effects of parental alienation
The importance of making a will
The post-divorce ‘right’ to contact
The reforms that could change the game for landlords and tenants
The serious role of executor
The worrying rise of in-work poverty
Things to consider when selling your business
Thinking of selling your business? What do you need to consider?
Time to Review Your Will?
To Divorce or not Divorce? That is the question
Trouble with Your Neighbours?
Trouble with the Neighbours?
Trust in the system
Understanding Residential Leases
Unfair Dismissal – Know your rights
Unfair dismissal
Unreasonable behaviour
Updated guidance on preventing sexual harassment
Urgent warning regarding Government's 'risky' online legal tool
Vaccinations and employees
What 'Exchange of Contracts' Exactly Means
What Could Intestacy Mean for Your Family?
What Do Employers Need to Know About Carer’s Leave?
What Do You Need to Know About Taking on a Commercial Lease?
What Does the New 'Right to Rent' Legislation Entail?
What Happens to My Debts When I Die?
What Happens to our Adopted Child Should We Divorce?
What Is A Settlement Agreement?
What Legal Formation is Best for Your Business
What Legal Issues should 21st Century Farmer Consider?
What Problems Could I Face if I Choose to Re-finance My Business?
What Rights Do We Have If We Live Together?
What are my entitlements as a company shareholder?
What are my pension rights and Inheritance Tax liabilities on the death of my spouse/partner
What are the grounds for Divorce?
What are the legal implications of Dementia
What are the legal obligations of taking on an Apprentice?
What are the new guidelines for recovering an outstanding debt?
What are the new increases in Compensation Limits, for Employment Claims?
What are the pitfalls of DIY Probate?
What are the pitfalls of buying at auction?
What constitutes a reasonable dismissal and do I have to accept it?
What do I need to know about running a business from home?
What does 'Administering an Estate' mean and do I need help?
What does it mean to be an attorney?
What happens if I lose mental capacity?
What happens if you do not have a Will?
What happens to my pension if I get a divorce?
What is Indemnity Insurance?
What is Re-direction Deposit Fraud?
What is Vacant Possession?
What is a 'Caveat' Used For in Probate
What is a Court of Protection Deputy?
What is a Deputyship?
What is a Joint or Reserve Attorney?
What is a Lasting Power of Attorney and how can it help me?
What is a Transfer of Equity?
What is a Trust Fund and Should I Set One Up?
What is a clean break?
What is a flexible Life Interest Trust?
What is an Executor's role?
What is the Court of Protection?
What is the register of Persons with Significant Control (PSC)?
What issues could an unmarried couple with children face, through separation?
What should I know about running an Online Business?
What to do when someone close to you dies
What to do when your relationship breaks down
What will happen to my children if I die?
What you need to know about taking on a Commercial Lease
Whats the Difference Between Joint Tenancy and Tenancy in Common?
When Exactly Is The Best Time To Write My Will
When Is an Accident a Claim?
When a New Year Means a New Beginning
When a Will doesn’t make ‘reasonable provision’
When is a Director not a Director?
When negotiations hit a brick wall
When would I need to seek a Court Order to obtain Maintenance Payments?
Who has to pay Inheritance Tax?
Why Court isn’t the only option
Why Employers Must Take the Menopause Seriously
Why Should I Change My Will After I Divorce?
Why all new parents should make a Will
Why are LPAs so important for military personnel?
Why business owners should review their Wills
Why court isn’t always the answer
Why farmers need wills
Why should I be thinking about making a Lasting Power of Attorney?
Why we should all be thinking about dementia
Why you should include digital assets in your Will
Will Disputes
Will Disputes - How Do I Challenge a Will?
Will disputes
Working on Bank Holidays - What Are My Rights?
World Children’s Day - 20 November
‘Carer’s leave’ to become law
“Can I force my husband or wife to move out?”
“Do I need to use a solicitor to draft my Will?”
“How can I stop my ex-partner taking our child on holiday?”
“I was caught speeding while driving my pregnant wife to hospital to give birth. Is there anything I can do?”
“My manager treats me differently to colleagues”
“Should I Be Cautious About Pre-paid Probate Plans?”
“Should I be thinking about a prenup?”
“Should we just learn to live with our noisy neighbour?”
“We’re disturbed by our neighbours’ loud parties. What can we do?”
“We’re getting divorced. Do we have to go through mediation?”
“We’re worried we won’t see our grandchild when his parents divorce. What can we do about this?”
“What is voluntary redundancy? Should I consider it?”
“Where will our dog live after our divorce?”
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